Monday, December 29, 2008
east coast
hoho,went to ecp wth yanying,we cycle for 4hrs!!!!tiring=(and heres a small not tracy wrote for me on her blog!so touching,hahahaha!ESTHERRRRR;
Yep, and i got to know you thry Humpty. and we started talking more when we're waiting for mr tan to open the fish tank door! Haha, and i rmb that the first time i talked to you, was like super long ago in this year. its either a Monday or Thursday, a CCA day. Haha, cos when i walked out of the AVT back door, u asked me if im from Choir, and if Brenda was in there. Haha. I doubt u rmb though(: Yep, i miss ur horniness!:D and your terrible wake up call! haha. Yeah, the time u slept with sihui and me.
rmb? we always drag the waking up time! Then when its really getting late, u'll go: ''EHHHH. WAKE UP ALREADYYYY!"
Haha, yep, u're so superrrr funnnnnny!(: And, thank you for the pills! U really saved me!!!!:D
Love you tonnes too(: HAHHA:D YAY, seeyou back in schooooool!:D
see that!so nice of her,hahaha!~but skip the 7th line =.=
♡ I'll remember you { 7:50 PM }
Saturday, December 27, 2008
hello!went to yanying's home to play ps2 yesterday and other games,haha with some other co friends.schools going to re-open soon,hoho!!can't wait.btw,my shenyang buddy is coming,muahahahahah!!!!!!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 5:41 PM }
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
hohoho!christmas is tomorrow,but im not even in the mood,i feel so bored!!!anyway,heres a picture of my christmas present from my aunty.btw,theres more stuff at the bottom,hahahah!AND,I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHO'S RETURN HAHA.
♡ I'll remember you { 2:12 PM }
Friday, December 19, 2008
Peranakan Museum,shopping...
went to theperanakan museum today at armenian street,the former taonan school,it was fun,and i learn more about the peranakans,i also had a peranakan lunch which was very good,but its kinda expensive.then later walk to city hall,i bought a new school bag,finally!GRREENNN color,my favourite!or turquoise=D
♡ I'll remember you { 10:05 PM }
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

went to kallang cineleisure to watch twilight with qianyi today,it was GREAT!!!i think there was actually more people but some couldn't make it=.=
♡ I'll remember you { 5:38 PM }
Monday, December 15, 2008
♡ I'll remember you { 7:04 PM }
Thursday, December 11, 2008
shenyang twinning programme
Day 1 and 2:DALIAN
first stop,the ocean world.we took lots of photos of the cute animals like the seal,penguin,walrus,polar bear and the wolf.there was a show on the seal and walrus,they did some tricks like rolling the ball friends and i also bought some food and we fed the seals,the seals all seem so pityful.we also went to this place with many foot prints and a sculpture which look like a book being open,my friends and i took many pictures there as there was a beautiful seaview=Dwe also went to play golf,it was freaking cold,the wind kept blowing.there was also the jinshitan,it has magnificent seaview even better then the previous one.there were lots of stone sculptures to look at example the dino drinking we went to this stone park,but i find it boring,people just took lots of photos etc etc.we also went to some shooting ranch to learn how to shoot,it was fun,but everyone only had two chances,afterthat,we went shopping at the russian street,not much things to buy,almost every store sell the same day,we took a 4 1/2 train ride to shenyang.when we reach the train station,everyone was given a boquet of flowers,i think everyone was kinda touched,had dinner and went back to the hotel to rest,but we would just stay up late to gossip,haha.I MISS MY BUDDY
we went to the shenyang shi shiyan school to meet our buddy,mine was yang xiao xuan,age 13 from 8 nian 12 ban.she can speak english,i was kind of surprised at first,anyway,YAY!later,we visited the shiyan primary school and kindergarden,and we obviously explore the secondary school department too,the school is so big,way bigger than our school,that afternoon,we went o the guandong movie town,where there film movies or tv shows there,we also had lesson observation i think...
we had lesson observation again,then we went to visit the shenyang gu gong,i love that placeeee,i think its the most worth tells us history about the qing dynasty i think,something about nu er ha chi,huangtaiji and qianlong if im not wrong.and about the place where the concubine stays according to their rank etc.dinner was great,i love it!!!in singapore,if it was buffet,like sake sushi,we would take it from the belt right,but in china,the food are like on a boat,floating on water!cool isn't it=D
we went to this art centre,i learn the tea was fun,there was jiayi,justina,sinyuen and fiona in the class.btw,after we made the tea,we are suppose to give it to someone,but i drank both cups,haha.and tissue[only known to some people]was asking around who want to drink her tea,she kept looking @ the guy that area,isn't it obvious =.=haha.anyway,i had fun!!!we also played ganmes with our buddies in school like basket ball,badminton etc.we met up with our buddies for lunch.back to school after lunch and had lesson observation again,and it was the concert!!!!anyway,a miracle happened.after the concert,it snowed!!!after diner,we played with snow,cho keep hitting me with snow balls,an we started to fight,like throw snowballs at each other,it was fun.and in the coach,yanying was playing with cho,heres one or two of her candid shots
i think we had lesson observation again,and games.had lunch in school...blahblah,can't rmb.then we had homestay!!!!!my buddy's house is quite near the school,she sai 10 mins walk,but anyway,her mother fetch me,we took a cab,they have two cars!omg...she lives in a apartment like me,i like her home,its so clean,she let me have her room,all by myselve!yay,her mother is so friendly,i like her=DDDDshe brought me for dinner and it was korean barbeque,it was really yummy.her mother also bought me some chips,bubble gum an bread for tmr's breakfast.she also cooked century egg an chinese sausage porridge,but i don't actually eat much for breakfast,haha.anyway,felt sorry for not touching it,=Dwe also went to watch kungfu panda,my buddy have not watch it before,so i just followed,she actually ask me if i wanted to watch something else,but the others seemed boring,the movie was in chinese,haha so funny.and there were like only 3mof us in the cinema,how cool can it be!woohooo!i also bought a doraemon,haha cute thing.went home,bathe watch a little tv and went to bed.anyway,heres a pic of christie which i help cho take!and during games,i can't rmb on which day,sihui me maryann and aqilah were doing this cheer which goes like this,'CHIOT' with some hand actions,we did quite a few like the sexy clap,macho clap etc...heres a pic of them playing badminton taken from cho's blog!

woke up,clean myself and went to school with my buddy.mother drove us to school,then we went to the 9.18 museum,than had lunch.we went shopping with our buddys as they were allowed to leave school early,e went to this huge mall,we saw lots of people like cho,bao,tracy maryann and yanying bought lots of stuff,i bouhgt a new wallet,olive oyl again,haha=Dthan had dinner together with yanying an nurin's buddy at this restaurant,went back home to rest,i gave the present to my buddy,and she like it alot,muahohoho=D
left my buddy's home,parents fetch me back to the hotel,had to say goodbye.but i still saw my buddy at night,cos she went to buy me this pen=DDDso sweet righttt,lol.anyway,we went to visit this museum again,but we all just lazed around,as we were told to go see around ourselves,so everyone just walk one round,as there are like 6-7 levels,i saw a machine which sell food,so i went to buy,everyone did the same,we were resting outsid,lazing around,some began to sleep after a while.went back to school for lunch,played some games together then went for dinner.anyway,it was MARYANN's birthday.
check out from the hotel,went to benxi water cave and went to visit the shenayng olympic centre,we also went to a book shop to buy stuff,i bought the twilight book in chinese for my buddy and a teddy bear.then we went for dinner,it was some halah restaraunt,but i didn't really like the food,it wasn't to my liking.and later left for the airport,we met out buddies there.took photos and we had to leave,many people cried,haha felt kinda sad...but anyway,their coming to singapore on the 14 january 2009 !!!!!yay!!!
HOME SWEET HOME~can't wait till their here,14JAN...I MISS MY BUDDY!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 12:59 PM }