Thursday, November 27, 2008
Shenyang trip!
yoyoyo people,im going to the airport in 7 hours time!!!im going to shenyang,don't worry,there will be pictures if anyone want to see=Dand thanks for the reminder,'MOTHER'[stacy]im going to be back on the 8 december,yay!the ay is finally here!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 3:02 PM }
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
2 more days..

OMG!2 more days to shenyang
♡ I'll remember you { 10:06 PM }
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Q1: The person who tagged you was?Tracy Yong
Q2. Your relationship with her was ?
Q3. Your five impression of her ?
likes to say 'hahaha'
likes to say 'okokok'
is a humpty dumpty
can sing
Q4. The most memorable thing she did for you ?
nothing,she's just a new friend i made!
Q5. If she becomes your lover , you would ?
i don't go for people of the same gender=D
Q6. If she becomes your lover , she needs to improve on ?
Q7. If she becomes your enemy , you would ?
not sure,curse her her day and night?
Q8. If she becomes your enemy , she needs to improve on ?
Q9. If she becomes your enemy , the reason would be ?
not sure
Q10 : The most desired thing you want for her to be ?
Q11 : Your overall impression of her ?
Q12 : How do you think others would think of you ?
i can't read peoples mind!
Q13 : The characters you love about yourself ?
do weird stuff,like wearing toe socks with slippers=Di love it!
Q14 : The characters you hate about yourself ?
Q15 : The most ideal person you wanna be ?
suceed in life=D
Q16 : For people that care & love you , what would you wanna say to them ?
Q17: Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you .
(6)jasmine foo
Q18 : Who is 6 having a relationship with ?[jasmine foo]
im not sure,but maybe she has a CRUSH!on...almond[only yanying know this person]
Q19 : Is number 9 a female or a male ?[joni]
Q20 : If number 7 & 10 are together , would it be good ?[singyuen/qiufang]
i don't think they know each other
Q21 : What is number 2 studying about ?[stacy]
she study everything
Q22 : When was the last time you chatted with number 3 ?[tracy]
Q23 : What kind of music genre does number 8 like ?[tara]
Q24 : Does number 1 have siblings ?[veronica]
younger sister
Q25 : Would you woo number 3 ?[tracy]
i just said i won't date people of the same gender!!!
Q26 : How about number 7 ?[singyuen]
never gonna happened,an how many times have i said,i won't date people of the
same gender!!!!!!!!!
Q27 : Is number 4 single ?[susie]
guess so...
Q28 : Whats the surname of number 5 ?[aisah]
Q29 : What is the hobby of number 10 ?[qiufang]
not sure
Q30 :Does number 5 & 9 get along ?[aisah/joni]
Q 31: Where is number 2 studying at ?[stacy]
Q32 : Talking something casually about 1?
she's my frien
Q33 : Have you tried developing feelings for number 8 ?
NO!im not lesbian,and anyway,she has JOY purugannan!haha.but their not lesbian too
Q34 : Where does number 9 live ?[joni]
Q35 : What colour does number 4 like ?[susie]
not sure
Q36 : Are number 1 & 5 best friends ?[veronica/aisah]
not best friends,but still nkow each other wel
Q37 : Does number 1 have any pets ?
terrapins,but died.because of her negligence
Q38 : Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world ?[singyuen]
hell no =.=what a question
Q39 : What is number 10 doing now ?[qiufang]
not sure
♡ I'll remember you { 6:19 PM }
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
over the moon
hohoho,finally went out with jingwen today.has been quite a long time since we been out together.we watch lakeview terrace which was boring!except for the violence part which was funny,too much talking!!!and the stupid person go choose the seat suck!so much space in the cinema,everyone ha to squeeze into one row,wt...TENSION!cca again tommorow,and its actually 8 more days to shenyang trip,something wrong with the widget,stupid thing
♡ I'll remember you { 6:44 PM }
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i think theres something wrong with the wiget,or id i type in the wrong date=.=
I made this widget at
♡ I'll remember you { 10:24 AM }
Saturday, November 15, 2008
i actually made a vdeo of our class today,but cannot upload =.=
I made this widget at
♡ I'll remember you { 11:32 PM }
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
yoyoyo,went to e!hub with meggy and yanying today.we went to kbox!!!yanying sang like crazy,which is very entertaining=Dveronica is actually suppose to come along with us,but,last minute her father don't allow.@#$%^&*anyway,we still has fun=Dno pictures though.and i was wonering if anyone from anyother part of the world is reading my blog!except my friends,if anyone whom i don't know is reading,come tag me!just say hello or something!BORED!!!~
♡ I'll remember you { 9:39 PM }
Monday, November 10, 2008
i love this thai song,mUAHOHO,check it out.but i think,so far,no one likes thai songs =.=
♡ I'll remember you { 10:01 PM }
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I made this widget at
♡ I'll remember you { 9:25 PM }