Sunday, June 29, 2008
gems 08

some photos of gems 08 photos!nothing to blog!!!boring
♡ I'll remember you { 4:16 PM }
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Koh samui...
♡ I'll remember you { 1:09 PM }
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Going to koh samui thailand on tuesday!!!yay...will upload pictures when im back =.=packing luggage later...ooohhhh!can't wait=DDDhave geography extra lessons tmr =.=but i love geog!!!Labels: Sawadi ka
♡ I'll remember you { 6:33 PM }
Thursday, June 5, 2008
GEMS camp

gems camp was fun...our group was called sapphire,we had three facillitators who are funny =.= especially piang,during the role-play it was like...chuan hui:welcome,piang:what are u trying to do.the second was some malay guy from out group don't know his name=.=:hi what do you want,piang:touch my *toot* funny =.= we also had national treasure hunt,which make us run like shit!!!and adventure learning camp the next day,all those team work games etc... and had attatchment today @ C.K Tang.veronica was sent to martini pink another girl from woodgrove to the handbags ,i was @ the playlab those sport stuff and tas another facillitator was @ the womens wadrobe=bra...hahahaha i sold stuff!!!second last day of camp tmr...=DDD
♡ I'll remember you { 6:48 PM }