Wednesday, October 31, 2007
31 0ct 07

Hello=Dtoday follow stupid veronica go look for a job =.=my mother don't allow so 2 bad=Dwent to east coast park to ride bicycle..haha fun day =D2 hrs $6 for a bike mines e blue 1.after that,went to macdonalds.I had a mcflury and a medium frie=D*yummy*^_^veronica so ugly omg =.=!!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 6:13 PM }
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hello again,yesterday went out with k.o.k.a,went to century to watch movie and take neoprints =.=we watch the seeker:the dark is rising.the movie is super nice !!!the show has some frightening scenes but rated pg...jessica sat outside i sat in the middle and veronica sat inside.she keep squeezing my pants,she so scared until she pinched me so hard...pain =.=then one part there was a big python snake,it suddenly hiss,veronica screamed so loudly,and best of all,no 1 was screaming except for her =D haha,she screamed so loud,i got shocked and i also screamed for nothing..haha,yesterday was fun =D
♡ I'll remember you { 11:30 AM }
Friday, October 26, 2007
26 0ct 07
hello,today we got back our report books,i failed 1 subject only.hehei got into the class i want but veronica didn't,she got into 3.3,me and baboon will miss her...l0l!but at least we can still have recess together.but i cannobt bully her anymore and baboon cannot sing to her anymore.veronica's cousin drop to NA but i think she's kinda proud,she say our class many 'ah lian'erm,i hope i can take social studies with geography elective....AARRGGHH !!!
♡ I'll remember you { 8:05 PM }
Thursday, October 25, 2007
25 0ct 07
No time no blog the few days...nothing to do in,baboon,veronica,me and siying played cheat,stupid baboon halfway walk off and play stress wtf!so then later i played the game of life with aisah,alethiea,afiqah and fun=Dhaha.then we had recess from 9.45 to 10.30 came back to class to play and talk,went for our sec 2 streaming briefing.i tihnk i want to take sosical studies and geography elective.but i didn't do so well for my geography this time =.=aarrgghh!tomorrow taking our report books back n finding out what class are we going to...scared!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 1:57 PM }
Monday, October 22, 2007

Hello,today,erm we went to marina centre for our sculpture walk.we had mcdonalds for total,we visited 6 sculptures.i like the 3D wheel thing and roy linchesteins pop art =Daft school,me jessica,veronica and siying went to suntec.i bought 2 fbts,1 black n 1 green haha...then,we went to toy r us to play =.=bought donuts and eat and then went home...baboon wear e monster mask,and veronica got so cared she started running and she drop her handphone on the floor n jessica took bus 12 home while veronica and siying take mrt.baboon so unlucky...=.=overshot.hehe...l0ser!
♡ I'll remember you { 5:16 PM }
Sunday, October 21, 2007
21 0ct 07
Hello,today family day.went to see some violin maybe going to buy next week.haha excited=.=ate at the food junction ! bugis,i ate omelete rice and paper prata,i also drank a milo float.hahaaha!ok thats all for today =.=
♡ I'll remember you { 7:31 PM }
Saturday, October 20, 2007
20 0ct 07
Erm...Today went out with catherine n faustine.went to bugis street,omg so many people!walk until my leg pain,so BIG!!!i bought a red superman tee=D so cute,maybe going to wear it on pink day =DCome home,my ex tuition teacher came to give us her wedding invitation..haha yay!nice food on her wedding=Dtasty...wakakaka.then went to siglap mall to buy some home necessities=Dchaoooo
♡ I'll remember you { 9:44 PM }
Thursday, October 18, 2007
18 0ct 07
Hell0 again, e post exam activity was fun =D i like it!muahaha...i fall so many times=.=but it was fun..aarrgghh!the time was very the morning,the teacher said 8 to 11 after a while they change it..=.=wth.Today is boring except for the in-line blading thing.haha=Dveronica cannot balance keep holding me then i fall also.l0l,the knee,elbow and wrist guard are so smelly.But i like the wristguard,feels nice =DI hate the helmet,stink like mad.Phewww!my head so stink today...I totally stink the wh0le day-.-
♡ I'll remember you { 8:54 PM }
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
17 0ct 07
Hell0...Today,i had headache in the morning so my mother ask me don't go school.Nothing to blog about today,stay at home watch t.v =Dtmr go back 2 school and play,have cca long never had cca le..haha!Veronica help me change my skin to a cute sushie haha=D
♡ I'll remember you { 6:39 PM }
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
16 Oct 07
Hello Again...erm?Monday:Went to wild wild wet with siying jessica veronica and juntian.Had fun,veronica so funny...l0l, sitting on the life jacket and she keep screaming even when we are aitting the Ular lar,not scary @ all.haha i sat the u shape thing,i call it the bar of soap with jessica...pheww fun,but i didn't noe y i screamed 4 =DTension!At the tsunami,was my favourite haha i accidently kick veronica's *toot*.I cannot control my self in the water =.= I wanted to go abit deeper with siying but that veronica keep pulling me back.haha i said u better hold on to me or else u die ur problem =Dhehehe..scare her 2 death!Sat the Ular lar 5 times,veronica still scream...=.=*CRAZY*kiakiakia...o and when we had to sit with another guy,i was just being friendly and said hi..haha and veronica keep screaming...-.-same old thing.We saw ms lee the computer teacher who taught us IT in sec 1 ...l0l she's now a lifeguard in wild wild wet haha!=D
Today:Check out exam papers!!!!aarrgghh...haha can't belief i failed my geography=.=Sad...Again,went home with veronica...nothing much today..haha can't wait for roller blading WeeHoo...HERE I COME!
Labels: wildwildwet and today
♡ I'll remember you { 3:38 PM }
Sunday, October 14, 2007

L0l,i forgot to blog about friday's rainbow wrap-up =.=this cupcake was made by 1 of the facillitators i think=DIt has my name on it.Aunty Tay Bee gave us a key chain with our names carved on it which i think was her husband specially fly to the states to get it for us.And a shaped biscuit of different flavours,hahaha i got the cheese and bacon.Totally Yummy...aarrgghh!i need to lose some weight=.=Heavy!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 1:41 PM }
Saturday, October 13, 2007
13 0ct 07
Hello,Today.We brought our australia cousins around,we went to chinatown to buy some soveniours and went to Vivo to see the nice view...We had a fantastic breakfast @ Wa Lok @ the carlton=DLater,we brought our our cousins back to their hotel called the Swissotel the Stamford.After that,we bought donut factory to fav and bought some packets of soup from the soup spoon...Yummy!Labels: Australia cousins
♡ I'll remember you { 11:26 PM }
Thursday, October 11, 2007
11 Oct 07
Hello,Today i had my DnT examination..Weeehooo its e last day of the exams =.=finally...den me siying clarissa and natalie quek went to watch Mr.WoodCock.So funny,i kept laughing=D.I Love the MOVIE,I want to watch it again...yay!after that,we ate pastamania.I had a combo B and a prawn alglio,my favourite =.=Tasty...WE took the MRT to HarbourFront and went to Vivo to shop.iI bought DippinDounuts,they taste better then munchy donuts.But i still prefer Donut Factory=D#1 best donut.Went home @ 4,i took a bus 10 from Vivo,but i only reach home @ 5.15...Phewww,a long long long ride...Labels: Mr.WoodCock Movie
♡ I'll remember you { 7:27 PM }
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10 Oct 07
Today,had science exam,abit difficult.Then went to eat lunch with veronica @ marine parade.Ate mos burger,delicious...laugh n laugh @ veronica's h0t dog.Den walk around the whole shopping area.Bought alot of candy from mini toons n share with veronica.Later,we went home
♡ I'll remember you { 5:35 PM }
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
9 October 07
Erm..Today,veronica help me make my blog =.=finally can change the skin!Actually going to nlb study science with K.O.K.A=.=but that baboon sick so we all never go.Glady's ask if want to go white sand eat...but i going out l0l den veronica go alone scared =.=Going to Geylang Serai later walk walk...then go katong,my mother want eat munchy donut...haha YummY !
♡ I'll remember you { 4:06 PM }