Saturday, August 21, 2010

followed meggy to taka and somerset 313 for jeanette aw's event,i think she endorsed some slimming thing.took pictures with her!woohoo,their gonna mail it to our homes.i'm excited.=D
maggot treated me omu noodles!awesome~and shared shihlin xxl chicken and some mushroom a happy kid!also,we went to the sanrio shop at taka,HELLO KITTY!i use to love hello kitty.hahah!can't believe myself.
my mother also bought me a pair of shorts and new school shoes,which i need badly!
i want a tie dye bag=(
♡ I'll remember you { 11:01 PM }
Monday, August 9, 2010
happy birthday singapore!
and so..out with meggy!somerset313
river island
ramen play
visit veronica
sengkang ndp celebration
glitter pieces stuck in my hair
toast box
half boiled egg
chilli crab bread
happy birthday S.I.N.G.A.P.O.R.E!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 8:27 PM }
Saturday, July 31, 2010
yo!haven't been blogging for a long long time.i think my blogging skills are bad.hahathis is what i've done for the past few weeks,if i remembered correctly?
making a clique shirt
im saving $
i want to go out!
prelims around the corner
running the medley for my school's sports carnival=D
had a new haircut!just my fringe though
ate men men don don again yst for dinner with my family!
ken hirai songs are awesome!
need to exercise
just had spicy nuggets
tea valley with my friends
pimple above my lip!
manymany more stuff..
Labels: i love my life
♡ I'll remember you { 3:49 PM }
Monday, July 26, 2010
just had a bowl of teriyaki chicken don with glady's at whitesands men men don don,some new japanese store where we can dine-in!also had a cup of frappe from mccafe,awesome!so much oreos,woohoo!!Labels: we can't be friends for long
♡ I'll remember you { 5:47 PM }
Saturday, July 17, 2010
beverlyville giveaway IV

this is from
everyone go read!
♡ I'll remember you { 10:24 AM }
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
the holidays are gonna be over
hey!the holidays are going to be over in no time!less than a week=(so..went out for the past few weeks
went to town with faustine
shop shop shop
ate at 313
woohoo!finally met up with veronica after such a long time
koka is back together.haha
shop at haji lane,bought a floral blazer for only $14!
afterthat,went to 313 and shop again,was on our way to the new shopping mall *scape adn meggy saw nat ho!haha,i was kinda in a daze so i didn't actually know.until meggy started screaming at me!and so..we stalk him!
took many photos of him and also an individual one!surprisingly some artiste are still friendly
had father's day dinner for my grandpa at tabuah mas at tanglin shopping mall,but it suck.not really good.except for the rendang=D
went to spca with chloe and also went to her home and bake!but it was a failure=.=
met glady's and meggy at ehub,played arcade and i hate my dinner at fish n co express.
some together time.and talk some things out.everythings settled now,feel so relieve!hope it won't happen again.
english project at yanying's home.i have finish my part=D
ate some snacks at raffles city with meggy before heading to suntec and shop
bought a pants from cotton of which use to cost $30 now i only bought it at $10!!!so proud of myself.maybe i should wait until every year whee they have the mid year sale and end of year sales.can't wait till my O levels are over.i have to study hard=D
had dinner at pariss international with my mom.buffet style!
also,bought a new violin bag=D
today!!i woke up at 2pm.did my english project and some parts of the physics paper
feeling so lazy=.=
going to town tomorrow again.omg!!
♡ I'll remember you { 10:06 PM }
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

so...had the class outing yst!!! i wanna go again with the same people or more?depends who wanna come=.=anyway,im suffering!!!the sunburnts are...
besides that,its aching now.SSSSHHHIIIAAATTT!!!
here are some pics we took,u can find it all over amelyn's blog.hahaha
i was suppose to do some of the homework today,but im so lazy!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 5:50 PM }
Friday, June 11, 2010
and so...

i've finally finished watching sisters of pearl!the drama was awesome!hongkong dramas are really GOOD!
couldn't find a decent picture though.but this are the actors and actress who acted in it!!!
i am gonna watch 500 days of summer,the proposal and hachiko later~
going to have dinner with my grandma.eating wanton noodles.wakaka..
anyway,i baked cupcakes again!!haha can't seem to get enough of it.i just baked chocolate banana cupcakes.i think it taste really good?!but my grandma say its too sweet=.=
theres also pictures of meggy bowling.haha!as well as the other cupcakes i've baked over the week.muffins and chocolate sprinkle cupcakes!!!
♡ I'll remember you { 6:17 PM }
Thursday, June 10, 2010
june holidays
hey!!im back again after many many weeks.wednesday
ate fish n co express with mungster and rotting maggot
had a plate of FREE sashimi at nihon mura!
play 3 rounds of bowling.
it was absolutely fun
took parts of the class video and it came out great
I LOVE 5.2
after that,i went home!
manhatten fish market for dinner
as for what happen weeks ago,i seriously can't remember=Danyway,im laaaaazzzyyyy to upload photos now=.=
♡ I'll remember you { 9:11 PM }
Friday, May 7, 2010
missing in action
yeos!im finally back again.the prelims are gonna end soon,my mind is gonna explode any moment.anyway,it was a bad day for me yesterday.i hate my life!!sometimes i just think too much.maybe im just a selfish person who can only love myself.i think i have too much pride...lolanyway,im so irritated now!i need to lose this anger in me,FAST
♡ I'll remember you { 7:30 PM }